2010-05-06 05:14:03 UTC
My computer got infected last night. One of the results was that I could not
access IE and all my security applications including Windows Security Center
got dissabled. I could access AOL and Firefox OK. We the help of a Gateway
tech I was able to get IE working. We redownloaded Malwawrebytes and run it
several times. We redownloaded AVG and run a full scan. We found a whole
bunch of Trojans, Rootkits, and Rogues. I also downloaded Spybot and run that
My system is working now, except that I can not access the Windows Update
Website. I don't know if there is something wrong with the site, or there is
something blocking it. I need to know if my Windows Updates is working.
Can anybody give some suggestions on what to do about this? Is there some
run around I could do to access the site? I already tried resetting IE, but
that changed nothing.
My next question is, if there is nothing I can do about that, will it hurt
anything if I uninstall and reinstall IE? I mean, will any important files
will get lost with uninstalling? I installed IE7 after installing Windows
SP3, so uninstalling and reinstalling is an option without having to
reinstall SP3. That would be my last option before having to format my system.
I have Windows XP/SP3, IE 7, AOL 9.0 SE, Mozilla Firefox, AVG 9.0 Free,
Malwarebytes, Spybot, Ccleaner (I keep up with my Windows Updates, and all
the security applications are updated).
Can anybody help please, I don't want to have to format again. I just had to
do that recently.
access IE and all my security applications including Windows Security Center
got dissabled. I could access AOL and Firefox OK. We the help of a Gateway
tech I was able to get IE working. We redownloaded Malwawrebytes and run it
several times. We redownloaded AVG and run a full scan. We found a whole
bunch of Trojans, Rootkits, and Rogues. I also downloaded Spybot and run that
My system is working now, except that I can not access the Windows Update
Website. I don't know if there is something wrong with the site, or there is
something blocking it. I need to know if my Windows Updates is working.
Can anybody give some suggestions on what to do about this? Is there some
run around I could do to access the site? I already tried resetting IE, but
that changed nothing.
My next question is, if there is nothing I can do about that, will it hurt
anything if I uninstall and reinstall IE? I mean, will any important files
will get lost with uninstalling? I installed IE7 after installing Windows
SP3, so uninstalling and reinstalling is an option without having to
reinstall SP3. That would be my last option before having to format my system.
I have Windows XP/SP3, IE 7, AOL 9.0 SE, Mozilla Firefox, AVG 9.0 Free,
Malwarebytes, Spybot, Ccleaner (I keep up with my Windows Updates, and all
the security applications are updated).
Can anybody help please, I don't want to have to format again. I just had to
do that recently.