No, I don't want you to read the whole page.
Just go down to the section heading I gave you.
"I've forgotten my Content Advisor password."
Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 15:51:01 -0700, in, tmm5899
Post by tmm5899i am not understanding you can you send me a link that takes me to what you
want me to read not a whole page just the page the link is on
Post by Alan Edwards
I've forgotten my Content Advisor password.
Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows -Internet Explorer
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:30:22 -0700, in, tmm5899
Post by tmm5899when i try to use internet explorer it asks me for a password i don't know it
how can i get past it. my friend was given the computer never set up a
password for it and the person he got the computer from never knew of a
password what can i do