Post by Matt WilliamsDon, sorry for the omission. I put that info into the immediately prior
post. I'm running Windows 2000. The problems I have been having are
Subject: Web page load problems
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 21:31:01 -0700
Post by Matt WilliamsWhenever I open a new instance of IE it has problems loading. An IE6 screen
opens with the message in the task bar that the website has been found, but
the webpage doesn't load. If I right click on the task bar box for that
instance of IE6 it releases IE6 from the "holding pattern" it is in. If I
don't right click the webpage eventually loads two or three minutes later.
Sounds like a spyware infection where the hijacker's server is either no longer
there or overloaded.
But to answer your question in this thread:
You don't need to see IE in your Add/Remove Programs to use its Repair tool:
<title>Add/Remove Programs tool displays installed programs incorrectly</title>
(Live Search for
ie6maintenance "add/remove programs"
This is just an FYI. The tool that Vincenzo suggested is more complete;
although I think a caveat for lurkers with versions of IE7 or above should
be given that the list as given may cause at least one incompatibility.
Generally, re-registering .dlls for those versions seems to be less supported
or advised.
Also, IE Repair is not the first thing that comes to mind as a suggestion
even for a (vague) symptom description such as "performance problems".
For that you could try deleting (not just clearing) your TIF and History
and giving them reasonable szes. Note that you will need to use a different
account with administrator authority to do that.
You could also try running without BHO. (Ref. KB298931, Manual steps...)
BTW this is somewhat a case of "deja vu". You could get more ideas like
these by searching archives of this newsgroup from about 5 years ago. ; )
Good luck
Robert Aldwinckle