https sites won't load in aol browser, dns not working in IE
(too old to reply)
2008-04-28 17:10:25 UTC
I have a user who is having problems with her browser, she has AOL 9.0
and Dials up to the Internet

Https sites Won't load under AOL browser.. For example clicking
settings on the taskbar gives page cannot be displayed.

The other strange thing that happens is after aol is minimized,
Opening up IE 6 gives an error msg about no internet connectivity and
"DNS error" is listed at the bottom... when trying to access any
website site. If I type in the actual IP address of a website however
it will load in IE 6. I upgraded to IE 7 over a friends broadband
connection but experienced the same result.

I've ran the latest version of CCleaner, WinsockXPfix.exe, full scan
with Spybot S&D 1.52 & updates and it finds nothing.... She is using
Symantec Corporate v10 w/ latest definitions

I was able to get symantec liveupdate working again by manually
putting an entry in the hosts file.

So to summarize... DNS appears not to work anywhere across the machine
unless you are using the Aol browser... and HTTPS doesnt work within
the aol browser. The only thing I stumbled upon close to this error
msg was from this site http://www.duxcw.com/faq/win/xp/secure.htm
which mentions about halfway down:

"One more thing to try, that I didn't see mentioned here was to check
to see if FIPS compliant encryption algorythms were enabled or not. I
have found that enabling this feature will often cause HTTPS sites not
to load, and report a DNS error. To check this option go to
Control Panel > Administrative tools > Local Security Settings
Open up Local Policies > Security Options
Verify that "System Cryptogrophy: Use FIPS compliant algorythms for
encryption" is set to disabled.
You will need to restart the system for this to take effect."

However this machine is XP home and local security settings wasn't an
option under admin tools... and I searched the reg for this key and
system cryptogrophy was already set to disabled..

So Basically I'm stumped

Thanks in advance for any insight you might have...
2008-04-28 12:46:24 UTC
On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:10:25 -0700 (PDT)
Post by e***@gmail.com
I have a user who is having problems with her browser, she has AOL 9.0
and Dials up to the Internet
Https sites Won't load under AOL browser.. For example clicking
settings on the taskbar gives page cannot be displayed.
The other strange thing that happens is after aol is minimized,
Opening up IE 6 gives an error msg about no internet connectivity and
"DNS error" is listed at the bottom... when trying to access any
website site. If I type in the actual IP address of a website however
it will load in IE 6. I upgraded to IE 7 over a friends broadband
connection but experienced the same result.
I've ran the latest version of CCleaner, WinsockXPfix.exe, full scan
with Spybot S&D 1.52 & updates and it finds nothing.... She is using
Symantec Corporate v10 w/ latest definitions
This may sound like an odd suggestion, but try uninstalling everything Symantec and see if that helps. If it does, download avast! antivirus and some freeware firewall like zonealarm or something, to replace the symantec crap. I've seen so many similar problems caused by large bloatware security software that I'd be somewhat surprised if symantec didn't totally screw up another system. -Dave
John Kelly
2008-04-29 17:09:18 UTC
Post by Dave
Post by e***@gmail.com
I have a user who is having problems with her browser, she has AOL 9.0
and Dials up to the Internet
Https sites Won't load under AOL browser.. For example clicking
settings on the taskbar gives page cannot be displayed.
I've ran the latest version of CCleaner, WinsockXPfix.exe, full scan
with Spybot S&D 1.52 & updates and it finds nothing.... She is using
Symantec Corporate v10 w/ latest definitions
This may sound like an odd suggestion, but try uninstalling everything
Symantec and see if that helps. If it does, download avast!
antivirus and some freeware firewall like zonealarm or something, to
replace the symantec crap.
Yes, nuke that garbage.

I don't recommend antivirus or a firewall on dialup. I know at least
one ISP using clamav on email to protect from email viruses. Not many
viruses are spread by floppy disks nowadays.

AOL is bloatware too. With a dialup ISP that supports plain ole dial
up networking, you don't need AOL either.

Dialup is fine for light surfing on a computer that's configured well
and runs right.

More people should go back to dialup. Why sign over your bank account
to a cable/dsl provider? Gas and food are high enough.
Webmail for Dialup Users
2008-04-29 12:19:56 UTC
Post by John Kelly
More people should go back to dialup. Why sign over your bank account
to a cable/dsl provider? Gas and food are high enough.
Dude, you must live way out in the sticks or something. In many (perhaps most?) areas, broadband is cheaper than dial-up now. -Dave
John Kelly
2008-04-30 15:11:27 UTC
Post by Dave
Post by John Kelly
More people should go back to dialup. Why sign over your bank account
to a cable/dsl provider? Gas and food are high enough.
Dude, you must live way out in the sticks or something. In many
(perhaps most?) areas, broadband is cheaper than dial-up now.
I've never seen broadband for $9.92.

Maybe $14.95, but that's an introductory bait price. They lure you in
like a fish.

Some providers may offer a bottom of the barrel price, but the speed
is so low, it's not much better than dialup. It's just a lure to get
you hooked, and later upgraded to a higher priced package.

The ongoing price for broadband is typically $30 - $50. How many
providers have a *permanent* price significantly lower than $29.95?.
And who are they? Can you provide any data points?

Comparing the real price, a dialup user saves between $240 and $480
per year. If you have money to throw away, maybe that won't matter to
you. But many people are going into debt just to pay their monthly
bills, and need to find small savings wherever they can. Finding many
small ways to save can make a big difference.
Webmail for Dialup Users
2008-05-01 10:31:48 UTC
Post by John Kelly
Post by Dave
Dude, you must live way out in the sticks or something. In many
(perhaps most?) areas, broadband is cheaper than dial-up now.
I've never seen broadband for $9.92.
Maybe $14.95, but that's an introductory bait price. They lure you in
like a fish.
I've seen many advertised from ~$12 per month up to about ~$18 per month, and that was not the introductory price, or a special limited-time only price.
Post by John Kelly
Some providers may offer a bottom of the barrel price, but the speed
is so low, it's not much better than dialup.
That's a matter of personal opinion. We downgraded our connection from 5M to 768K. For the $20/month we are saving, we don't notice a difference in connection speed at all. We still "surf" very VERY quickly and can download anything we want reasonably quick. Oh, we run a VOIP service on top of that, also. And it works perfectly, even with three computers using the Internet at the same time. (wireless router)

I find people who comment that it's not much better than dialup are spoiled. I mean really now, do you need a 5M download speed to browse the web? Some people think so, but I don't see it that way. :)
Post by John Kelly
It's just a lure to get
you hooked, and later upgraded to a higher priced package.
I bet they were pissed when we DOWNgraded then. 5M was nice. Not $20/month nicer than our 768K connection, though!
Post by John Kelly
The ongoing price for broadband is typically $30 - $50. How many
providers have a *permanent* price significantly lower than $29.95?.
Many do. The catch is, they often don't advertise it. For just one example, TW offers a roadrunner lite service. Try finding that on TW's web site though!!!
Post by John Kelly
And who are they? Can you provide any data points?
Time Warner (cable, "roadrunner lite"), Verizon (DSL) and Bellsouth (DSL, aka ATT?) are three I know of, and that's just off the top of my head. If those aren't available where you live, check broadbandreports web site. Also, keep in mind that the bargain price might NOT be from your local provider. When we lived in Verizon (DSL) service area, we found that the SAME SPEED of Verizon DSL could be had for $10 LESS per month, if you ordered it through Earthlink. Same service, same speed, $10 less per month, and not a promotion price. Oh, and even though we ordered it through Earthlink, it was Verizon that set it up (provisioned our line), and it was Verizon's DSL modem that was sent to us (well, Westell brand, but marked Verizon). So it was the exact same service. -Dave
John Kelly
2008-05-02 08:27:10 UTC
Post by Dave
Post by John Kelly
The ongoing price for broadband is typically $30 - $50. How many
providers have a *permanent* price significantly lower than $29.95?.
And who are they? Can you provide any data points?
Time Warner (cable, "roadrunner lite"), Verizon (DSL) and Bellsouth
(DSL, aka ATT?) are three I know of, and that's just off the top of my
head. If those aren't available where you live, check broadbandreports

That link has 1 page with rates less than $29.95. But the fine print
of each one reads differently. They're all promotional rates, not the
true ongoing rate.
Post by Dave
For just one example, TW offers a roadrunner lite service. Try finding
that on TW's web site though!!!
All smoke and no facts. Like a marketing department.
Post by Dave
Many do. The catch is, they often don't advertise it.
Fact is, a majority of users in the U.S. cannot get broadband Internet
service for less than $29.95 per month at the true ongoing price.

If you still dispute that, then put up or shut up. Quote prices and
post telephone numbers of the providers themselves, not web sites like
dslreports where the information is outdated or otherwise bogus.

If you can't, you're just blowing smoke, posting with a phony email
address. It makes me wonder if you're even a real person. You sound
more like a broadband marketing department.

My email address is real, I don't post a fake. Anyone can use it to
contact me.
Webmail for Dialup Users
2008-05-03 00:01:32 UTC
Post by John Kelly
Post by Dave
Time Warner (cable, "roadrunner lite"), Verizon (DSL) and Bellsouth
(DSL, aka ATT?) are three I know of, and that's just off the top of my
head. If those aren't available where you live, check broadbandreports
That link has 1 page with rates less than $29.95. But the fine print
of each one reads differently. They're all promotional rates, not the
true ongoing rate.
Post by Dave
For just one example, TW offers a roadrunner lite service. Try finding
that on TW's web site though!!!
All smoke and no facts. Like a marketing department.
Post by Dave
Many do. The catch is, they often don't advertise it.
Fact is, a majority of users in the U.S. cannot get broadband Internet
service for less than $29.95 per month at the true ongoing price.
If you still dispute that, then put up or shut up.
Uhhhh . . . I mentioned Time Warner, BellSouth and Verizon already. If you want to ignore the facts, so be it. I'm not going to argue with someone who denies reality, as there is nothing to be gained by doing so. I pay $25/month for my TW cable modem service, roadrunner lite. I used to pay less than $20 per month for Verizon ADSL service. Verizon still offers that service at that price, and it's not a promotional rate. Bellsouth is even cheaper. If YOU wish to dispute those rates, why don't YOU find links to prove me wrong. Good luck on that. -Dave
John Kelly
2008-05-03 15:49:30 UTC
Post by Dave
I'm not going to argue with someone who denies reality
In many (perhaps most?) areas, broadband is cheaper than dial-up now. -Dave
That's a false statement, and (perhaps?) amplifies the deception.
Post by Dave
I pay $25/month for my TW cable modem service
At $15 per month more than dialup, a dialup user paying $9.92 saves at
least $180 per year. And that's a low figure, because an average user
is typically lured into a higher priced plan by marketing and sales.
Post by Dave
If you want to ignore the facts, so be it.
You distorted the facts, posting with a fake email address.
Webmail for Dialup Users
2008-04-30 22:54:51 UTC
Post by Dave
Post by John Kelly
More people should go back to dialup. Why sign over your bank account
to a cable/dsl provider? Gas and food are high enough.
Dude, you must live way out in the sticks or something. In many (perhaps most?)
areas, broadband is cheaper than dial-up now. -Dave
I think Dave is in the UK ....
Shat T. Cat
2008-05-01 07:50:34 UTC
More people should go back to dialup.  Why sign over your bank account
to a cable/dsl provider?  Gas and food are high enough.
Dude, you must live way out in the sticks or something.  In many (perhaps most?)
areas, broadband is cheaper than dial-up now.  -Dave
  I think Dave is in the UK ....
Or Japan? I don't know if we can even get dial-up over here
anymore. I have ASDL because I live outside the Fiber limit for NTT,
but I could go with Energia and IP over the power lines. The Energia
plant is only a click (1km) or so from my house.

Yeah, net neutrality is really helping the US internet market.

Shat T. Cat
Creature of Cyberspace
"In Fluffy We Trust"

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[best viewed in a fixed width font]
2008-05-01 19:57:22 UTC
Dave & John- I agree Symantec Personal or "Internet Insecurity" are
Bloatware... She is using corporate 10 which doesnt have a built in
firewall and doesn't seem to Take over the machine like the other
versions.. - The windows built in firewall is disabled also

I found one or 2 other people with this issue here so I posted almost
near the bottom -


One thing that does seem constant is those with problems were using
symantec at one time or another..

I may try method 1 at the bottom here - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/811834/
to see if that fixes anything.. Aol tech support tells me aol's
browser uses IE so if it's broke in IE it will break in AOL's browser

Thanks for the replies so far. I'll keep you posted
PA Bear [MS MVP]
2008-04-29 21:29:34 UTC
Dave wrote:
Post by Dave
This may sound like an odd suggestion, but try uninstalling everything
Symantec and see if that helps.
Also run this removal tool and reboot:

Norton Removal Tool

Related discussion: http://windowssecrets.com/comp/080207#story1
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin http://aumha.net
DTS-L http://dts-l.net/
2008-04-29 19:15:19 UTC
Post by e***@gmail.com
However this machine is XP home and local security settings wasn't an
option under admin tools... and I searched the reg for this key and
system cryptogrophy was already set to disabled..
Perhaps it should really be enabled?
Did you try a clean reboot?
2008-04-30 22:53:54 UTC
Post by e***@gmail.com
I have a user who is having problems with her browser, she has AOL 9.0
and Dials up to the Internet
Https sites Won't load under AOL browser.. For example clicking
settings on the taskbar gives page cannot be displayed.
The other strange thing that happens is after aol is minimized,
Opening up IE 6 gives an error msg about no internet connectivity and
"DNS error" is listed at the bottom... when trying to access any
website site. If I type in the actual IP address of a website however
it will load in IE 6. I upgraded to IE 7 over a friends broadband
connection but experienced the same result.
I've ran the latest version of CCleaner, WinsockXPfix.exe, full scan
with Spybot S&D 1.52 & updates and it finds nothing.... She is using
Symantec Corporate v10 w/ latest definitions
I was able to get symantec liveupdate working again by manually
putting an entry in the hosts file.
So to summarize... DNS appears not to work anywhere across the machine
unless you are using the Aol browser... and HTTPS doesnt work within
the aol browser. The only thing I stumbled upon close to this error
msg was from this site http://www.duxcw.com/faq/win/xp/secure.htm
"One more thing to try, that I didn't see mentioned here was to check
to see if FIPS compliant encryption algorythms were enabled or not. I
have found that enabling this feature will often cause HTTPS sites not
to load, and report a DNS error. To check this option go to
Control Panel > Administrative tools > Local Security Settings
Open up Local Policies > Security Options
Verify that "System Cryptogrophy: Use FIPS compliant algorythms for
encryption" is set to disabled.
You will need to restart the system for this to take effect."
However this machine is XP home and local security settings wasn't an
option under admin tools... and I searched the reg for this key and
system cryptogrophy was already set to disabled..
So Basically I'm stumped
Thanks in advance for any insight you might have...
Added alt.aol.tricks xposting.