(too old to reply)
2004-03-07 20:41:05 UTC
Attack by the following spam/ers. IE 6 screen disappears from the screen. Details as follows
Alexa Interne
Proclaim Telecom In
xads.offeroptimizer (xads.offeroptimizer.com
xlim.offeroptimizer (xlime.offeroptimizer.com
yell.com ilead.itrack (ilead.itrack.it
was eliminated by Ad-aware 6 Pro. versio

Another tracking cookies (4) is always present and when removed still present in and IE screen is killed by the tracking cookie
Only file present is index.dat in the Cookies folder. Can I delete this file?? Any help?
Can Microsoft do a better protection in the future. One week no IE 6 browser and still unable to remove "tracker cookie" still comming back.
2004-03-07 20:53:46 UTC
download spybot at safer-networking.org and use the
immunize feature in it (after scan it will show up) and
block bad pages silently.it will disable alexa with a fake
file. otherwise go to mozilla.org and get 'firefox' a
browser only that you can set to block bad cookies like
alexa and such. I have over 50 blocked cookie websites.
-----Original Message-----
Attack by the following spam/ers. IE 6 screen disappears
Alexa Internet
Proclaim Telecom Inc
xads.offeroptimizer (xads.offeroptimizer.com)
xlim.offeroptimizer (xlime.offeroptimizer.com)
yell.com ilead.itrack (ilead.itrack.it)
was eliminated by Ad-aware 6 Pro. version
Another tracking cookies (4) is always present and when
removed still present in and IE screen is killed by the
tracking cookie.
Only file present is index.dat in the Cookies folder. Can
I delete this file?? Any help??
Can Microsoft do a better protection in the future. One
week no IE 6 browser and still unable to remove "tracker
cookie" still comming back.
2012-11-27 17:27:55 UTC
Alexa Internet
Proclaim Telecom Inc
xads.offeroptimizer (xads.offeroptimizer.com)
xlim.offeroptimizer (xlime.offeroptimizer.com)
yell.com ilead.itrack (ilead.itrack.it)
was eliminated by Ad-aware 6 Pro. version
Another tracking cookies (4) is always present and when removed still present in and IE screen is killed by the tracking cookie.
Only file present is index.dat in the Cookies folder. Can I delete this file?? Any help??
Can Microsoft do a better protection in the future. One week no IE 6 browser and still unable to remove "tracker cookie" still comming back.