URL display at bottom - missing
(too old to reply)
2010-03-23 00:03:10 UTC
On my PC I have IE7. When I get an email with an embedded link in it
- like I get in say a fraudulant PayPal email - I can hover the cursor
over the link and the real address appears at the bottom of the window
in the status bar. This address is invariably inconsistent with the
link text and this allows me to see that the address is a fraud and
that I can ignore / delete the email.

However I have just bought a netbook with IE 8 installed. When I
opened a fraudulant email - again apparently from PayPal - and hovered
the cursor over the embedded link the underlying address did NOT
appear at the bottom of the window. So I now have no way of telling if
an email is genuine or not.

What do I have to do to configure IE 8 to do show embedded addresses
before clicking on them please?

Thank you - Chris Brady
Alan Edwards
2010-03-23 07:08:07 UTC
View-Toolbars-Status bar

This is a strange newsgroup to post such a question as it has nothing
to do with IE6.
Please try the IE7/IE8 group.
The recommended newsgroup is microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general

In a proper newsreader:

If you must use a web interface:

Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer

On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 17:03:10 -0700 (PDT), in
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6.browser, CJB
Post by CJB
On my PC I have IE7. When I get an email with an embedded link in it
- like I get in say a fraudulant PayPal email - I can hover the cursor
over the link and the real address appears at the bottom of the window
in the status bar. This address is invariably inconsistent with the
link text and this allows me to see that the address is a fraud and
that I can ignore / delete the email.
However I have just bought a netbook with IE 8 installed. When I
opened a fraudulant email - again apparently from PayPal - and hovered
the cursor over the embedded link the underlying address did NOT
appear at the bottom of the window. So I now have no way of telling if
an email is genuine or not.
What do I have to do to configure IE 8 to do show embedded addresses
before clicking on them please?
Thank you - Chris Brady
2010-03-23 23:37:02 UTC
Post by Alan Edwards
View-Toolbars-Status bar
This is a strange newsgroup to post such a question as it has nothing
to do with IE6.
Please try the IE7/IE8 group.
The recommended newsgroup is microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general
If you must use a web interface:http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/en-us/default.aspx?dg...
Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorerhttp://dts-l.com/index.htm
On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 17:03:10 -0700 (PDT), in
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6.browser, CJB
On my PC I have IE7. When I get an email with  an embedded link in it
- like I get in say a fraudulant PayPal email - I can hover the cursor
over the link and the real address appears at the bottom of the window
in the status bar. This address is invariably inconsistent with the
link text and this allows me to see that the address is a fraud and
that I can ignore / delete the email.
However I have just bought a netbook with IE 8 installed. When I
opened a fraudulant email - again apparently from PayPal - and hovered
the cursor over the embedded link the underlying address did NOT
appear at the bottom of the window. So I now have no way of telling if
an email is genuine or not.
What do I have to do to configure IE 8 to do show embedded addresses
before clicking on them please?
Thank you - Chris Brady- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Mr. MPV (whatever) - I use a web interface because I do. Your
arrogance is only exceeded by your arrogance. Google Groups does not
appear to provide IE7/8. I have solved my problem with advice from
users more conducive to help than you. Quite why or how you became a
MVP (whatever) is a moot point. Thanks for nothing. CJB.
PA Bear [MS MVP]
2010-03-24 00:06:59 UTC
...Google Groups does not
appear to provide IE7/8.

Setting up Outlook Express to access Microsoft newsgroups

Setting up Windows Mail (in Vista) to access Microsoft newsgroups

Setting up Windows LIVE Mail to access Microsoft newsgroups